~ Betty Linnell ~

President/Regional Director

When people have the pleasure of encountering Betty, they realize immediately that she has many talented, skillful facets gracefully fine-tuned to the professional level. She portrays herself as a confident, yet sensitive person who takes pride and satisfaction in all tasks laid before her, always striving with willingness and dedication to complete these responsibilities within a timely manor and with the utmost professionalism.

Betty demonstrated her great organization skills very young by organizing all of her sibling's bedrooms and sometimes even dotting her little sister's “i’s” and crossing her “t’s”. Betty was an extremely popular student, was active in and loved by her high school student body, played in the band, and participated in many other facets of high school, graduating at the top in her class.

You can find Betty riding her horse or taking long walks in the country, accompanied by her camera. She is an accomplished wildlife photographer and also enjoys taking many pictures of her 10 grandchildren and her wonderful horses.

Today, Betty has incorporated her childhood passions for business administration and horses into being the owner/operator of a successful insurance business for over twenty years, plus co-owner of Three Creeks Ranch / Double L Kiger & Cattle Company. She has developed an extensive background in marketing, sales, accounting, horses, and photography. Additionally, she possesses a willingness, dedication, and commitment to help with the success of this association.

Betty is a true asset to the Kiger Horse Association & Registry. She has demonstrated a strong, outspoken advocacy for the preservation of the Kiger horse for type and the need for a strong, professional registry that would protect this horse type from registry destruction so that future generations will be able to enjoy this romantic part of American history.

One would only have to meet Betty to understand her drive for the preservation of this fine breed. She encompasses a tremendous love for horses, having owned many different breeds. When the Wild Horse & Burro act of 1971 was passed, she would daydream of one day owning a mustang. When she married her husband DeWayne, her dream came true. They immediately adopted several Nevada mustangs and eventually adopted numerous Kiger Mustangs, which they still own, breed, and cherish on their ranch today.

If you would like to contact Betty, click here.