~ Earn Awards ~
Our awards program is for Kigers that are used to compete, work, or to promote this incredible breed. All disciplines are included, and one of the programs is aimed at getting our youth members more active with their Kiger horses. The programs are available to KHAR members in any country and their KHAR registered horses.
Download the form or application below for the activity in which you wish to participate so that you can earn your rewards!
Year End Champion Awards
Show Point Submission Sheet - Dressage
Show Point Submission Sheet - Endurance
Show Point Submission Sheet - General
Champion Awards Nomination Form
Champion Awards Rules
Ride Drive Train
Ride Drive Train Rules
Ride Drive Train Application
Ride Drive Train Log
Ride Drive Train Submission Ticket
About The Year End Points
KHAR year end champion awards are finally here! We will be presenting a trophy buckle to the winner in each discipline and we have a special category for youth riders! These awards are for any member who is competing on their Kiger in any discipline, across all countries. You will be competing against others from around the world for your chance at the KHAR Championship Award. Horse/rider pair must compete in a minimum of 4 shows to qualify. Please read the rules carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
About The Ride Drive Train Program
Receive awards for spending time working with your Kigers! This is a great program for youth, recreational riders or anyone who loves spending time with their Kigers. Log the hours you spend riding, driving or training your Kiger – including gentling, ground work and liberty – and unlock awards at various levels, from 25 hours to 1000 hours! Anyone in the world with a KHAR registered Kiger is eligible to participate, including part blood horses. There is a one time only registration fee of $35, and, once you're registered, there is no expiry!