~ Tara Nason ~

Regional Director - Eastern U.S.

Tara got her first horse when she was in the fourth grade on the same day as her best friend, and the horse's came from a local ranch. The two girls were absolutely horse crazy together! When they weren't on them, they were pretending to be them or playing with their toy horses. Even in school, they constantly drew pictures of their horses. Tara always looked forward to going to the library to borrow books so she could look at the pictures of the different breeds of horses and learn more about them. She took lessons and has shown in different disciplines. In later years, she went on a hiatus from horse ownership for less than a year and moved to North Carolina with her husband and daughter. Her love for horses didn't end during her brief break from horse ownership. She was a stay at home mother with a child that was off to kindergarten. To help occupy her newfound spare time, she began to donate her time to training trainers that taught children's lessons at a local stable. Working with horse's again made her miss horse ownership dearly, so she decided to browse for a horse. She ran across an advertisement on Craigslist that said Mustang, with a little bit about the mare. Tara and her family ended up purchasing the little mare. Afterwards they found out she was a Kiger Horse. Despite all of her childhood interest in learning all the breeds, she had no idea what exactly she was now a proud owner of. So she dove deep into the world of Kigers to learn as much as she could about them, mostly from the friendly breeders and owners in the KHAR. In a string of fate, she gained an American legend as a companion and a large group of Kiger owners as friends. Tara says, "I never went out deliberately looking for Kigers. They found me."

Tara has made a strong commitment to the breed to help promote and gain worldwide knowledge of our precious Kigers. She is hoping, in the coming years, to start up a breeding program to help preserve our Kigers for future generations. She currently helps out with local youth programs like 4H and a Youth and Agriculture program. She assists in helping with organized trail ride events in her local area, along with putting on a Christmas Horse parade with one of her best friends for her hometown.

If you would like to contact Tara, click here.